
Title: Izmir Water Crisis: Tahtali Dam’s Water Level Plummets to 14%

In a recent announcement by İZSU on January 26, 2025, the water level at Tahtalı Dam, one of Izmir’s largest dams, was recorded at a mere 14.29%. As the threat of drought looms large, the water levels in Izmir’s dams are steadily declining. The levels of dams that supply drinking water, agricultural irrigation, and industrial water needs across the city are regularly shared with the public, and the latest data has highlighted the seriousness of the situation. Here are the current water levels in Izmir’s prominent dams:

– Balçova Dam: 33.23%
– Gördes Dam: 5.55%
– Tahtalı Dam: 14.29%
– Ürkmez Dam: 26.92%
– Güzelhisar Dam: 69.83%
– Alaçatı Kutlu Aktaş Dam: 21.46%

### Yearly Changes in Dam Water Levels
Comparing the water levels from January 26, 2024, significant declines have been observed in Izmir’s dams over the past year. Particularly noteworthy are the decreases in Tahtalı, Balçova, and Ürkmez dams. For instance, Tahtalı Dam, which had a water level of 32.10% in 2024, has plummeted to 14.29% within a year.

### Solutions Proposed to Combat Drought
Experts emphasize the importance of water conservation in combating drought. There is a need for raising awareness about water consumption across the city and exploring alternative water sources. Additionally, implementing water-saving methods in agriculture and promoting projects like rainwater harvesting are recommended.

### Urgent Measures Needed for Water Management
The critical water levels in Izmir’s dams underscore the necessity for the city to take more urgent measures in water management. It is crucial for the people of Izmir to be more conscious about water conservation and for authorities to devise long-term solutions to overcome this crisis.

In the face of dwindling water resources, the time is ripe for collective action to ensure a sustainable water future for Izmir. As the city grapples with this water crisis, a united effort towards water conservation and strategic planning will be key to navigating through these challenging times.