
The Police Academy application guide is eagerly awaited. Along with the guide to be published on the website by the Police Academy Presidency, the application requirements for the 32nd Term POMEM will become clear. The application dates for the 32nd Term POMEM have not been announced yet. Applications are expected to start within the same date range as the previous term.

The application criteria for POMEM are as follows:
a) Being a citizen of the Republic of Turkey,
b) Being a graduate of a bachelor’s degree program or an equivalent program recognized by the Council of Higher Education from foreign higher education institutions,
c) Obtaining a minimum base score or above in the KPSS exam determined by the Ministry (For bachelor’s degree graduates, obtaining a minimum base score of (60.00) in the KPSS bachelor’s degree exam in 2022 or 2023.)
d) For the spouses or children of martyrs or duty-disabled individuals, obtaining at least 80% of the score specified in Article 8(c) of the POMEM Entry Regulation, (For bachelor’s degree graduates among the spouses or children of martyrs or duty-disabled individuals, obtaining a minimum base score of (48.00) in the KPSS bachelor’s degree exam in 2022 or 2023.)
e) For women, not being shorter than 162 cm, and for men, not being shorter than 167 cm, having a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18 (inclusive) and 27 (inclusive),
f) Not having any legal impediment to carrying a firearm or performing armed duties,
g) Meeting the conditions specified in the Health Requirements Regulation in terms of health status,
h) Even if the time periods specified in Article 53 of the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237 dated 26.09.2004 have passed, not being sentenced to imprisonment for one year or more for an intentionally committed crime where the pronouncement of the sentence has been postponed, and not being convicted of crimes against the security of the state, crimes against the constitutional order and the functioning of this order, embezzlement, misappropriation, bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, abuse of trust, fraudulent bankruptcy, disrupting the performance of an act, disrupting the performance of a service, money laundering related to crime, smuggling, or crimes against sexual immunity, or not being involved in an ongoing investigation for these crimes or not having the investigation concluded by reconciliation,
i) Not having worked in brothels, places where prostitution is performed, or engaged in activities of intermediation and soliciting, not producing and selling any kind of written, audio, or visual works contrary to public morality and decency, regardless of the material in which it is recorded, or not being under any judicial or administrative investigation or prosecution for gambling, drug use, or substance abuse, not having been subject to administrative sanctions or convicted for these activities,
j) Submitting a written statement that they are not a member of any political party or its affiliated organizations as of the temporary registration date,
k) Not having undergone dismissal from police training institutions except for the provisions of the Health Regulation,
l) Having a positive outcome in the security investigation and archive research.

The dates for the 32nd Term POMEM applications are eagerly awaited by many prospective applicants. It is crucial for interested candidates to closely follow the announcements on the official website of the Police Academy Presidency to ensure they meet all the necessary requirements and submit their applications on time. Stay tuned for further updates on the application process and important deadlines to avoid missing out on this opportunity to join the Police Academy.