
The latest decisions of the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSK) have been officially published in the Official Gazette, revealing the names of judicial and administrative judges who have completed their terms at various levels.

First Degree Promotion Review List

The HSK decisions include a list of judicial and administrative judges, including chief public prosecutors and prosecutors who have been promoted to the first degree and will undergo a review for classification into the first class by August 31, 2024. This list comprises the names of 41 judges, 17 prosecutors, and 11 administrative judges. Those who will be undergoing the first-degree promotion review in August 2024 were not included in this list.

For individuals who have been promoted to the first degree and have completed their terms but do not see their names on the list, they have the option to submit a written application to the HSK within 30 days, requesting a review of their situation.

Two-Year Promotion List

In another decision by the HSK, a list has been published containing the names of judicial and administrative judges, including chief public prosecutors and prosecutors, who have completed their two-year promotion periods by the end of August 2024. These individuals are eligible for promotion and have fulfilled their promotion criteria.

Those who wish to view the full list of decisions by the HSK can click on the provided link.

The publication of these decisions in the Official Gazette serves as a transparent and official announcement of the HSK’s determinations regarding the promotion and classification of judges and prosecutors across various levels. It is a crucial step in ensuring the accountability and integrity of the judiciary system.

The HSK plays a vital role in overseeing the appointment, promotion, and disciplinary actions of judges and prosecutors in Turkey. By publishing these decisions, the HSK aims to maintain transparency and uphold the principles of justice within the judicial system.

Impact on the Legal Community

The publication of these decisions has significant implications for the legal community in Turkey. It provides clarity on the promotion criteria and procedures for judges and prosecutors, ensuring a fair and merit-based system of advancement within the judiciary.

Judges and prosecutors who have been included in the lists for promotion or review will now have a clear understanding of their standing and the next steps they need to take in their careers. This transparency helps to foster trust and confidence in the judicial system among legal professionals and the public.

Moreover, the opportunity for individuals to request a review of their situation if they believe they have been overlooked provides a mechanism for addressing any potential errors or oversights in the promotion process. This demonstrates the commitment of the HSK to fairness and accountability in its decision-making processes.

In conclusion, the publication of the HSK decisions in the Official Gazette marks a significant milestone in the transparency and accountability of the judiciary system in Turkey. It ensures that the promotion and classification of judges and prosecutors are conducted in a fair and impartial manner, upholding the principles of justice and integrity within the legal community.