
Expert Warns of Impending Flash Floods: Urgent Precautions Needed

Recent erratic rainfall patterns across Turkey have raised concerns among experts about the potential for flash floods. Dr. Yusuf Demir, a faculty member at the Agricultural Faculty of OMÜ, has highlighted the risks associated with sudden, intense downpours that could lead to devastating flooding.

Dr. Demir emphasized the need for heightened awareness and caution in the coming months. He stated, “We have been issuing continuous warnings because the amount of rainfall has been unpredictable, with short bursts of heavy rain becoming more common. It is crucial for us to be vigilant in the next 1-2 months. Looking ahead, it would not be inaccurate to anticipate increasing risks as we approach the end of 2024 and the beginning of winter, extending into the spring of 2025.”

Changing Seasons and Their Impact

The shifting distribution of rainfall patterns has significantly affected human, animal, and agricultural livelihoods nationwide, according to Dr. Yusuf Demir. He noted, “Global climate change has been increasingly manifesting its effects in recent years both globally and in our country. Over the past year, Turkey has experienced varying rainfall patterns, with periods of winter and summer droughts, intermittent heavy downpours, and resultant floods occurring in different regions. Despite substantial changes in rainfall patterns, we have also witnessed shifts in seasonal patterns, with winters becoming milder in many areas. Snowfall has been scarce, and the transition into summer has been marked by insufficient precipitation. While recent rainfall in various regions has provided some relief, the changing distribution of precipitation throughout the year has directly impacted human life, agricultural production, and animal welfare.”

Dr. Demir warned, “If this trend continues without adequate precautions, we may face even greater disruptions due to changes in rainfall patterns in the future.”

Severe Drought Conditions and Underground Water Depletion

Dr. Yusuf Demir highlighted the severe drought conditions affecting different regions of Turkey in the past 1-2 months. He expressed concern over the emergence of sinkholes in various parts of the country, indicating significant underground water losses. He explained, “The inadequate snowfall last year has failed to replenish underground water sources, leading to critical shortages. Additionally, major cities are facing water scarcity issues for drinking purposes. While recent rainfall has offered some respite in certain areas, above-average temperatures and the delayed transition into autumn, with seasons overlapping, are beginning to impact our production quality directly. We anticipate fluctuating rainfall patterns in the coming days, posing serious risks of flooding.”

In conclusion, Dr. Demir urged the public to remain vigilant, adopt water conservation practices, and prepare for potential flash floods in the near future. The changing climate patterns demand proactive measures to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events on communities, agriculture, and infrastructure.