Confederation President Warns 81 Village Headmen in Rize
In a groundbreaking event under the project “Muhtarlarımızla Yeni Yüzyıla Adım Adım,” 81 village headmen from all over the country gathered in Rize. The program, organized by the Rize Muhtarlar Federasyonu, was attended by prominent figures such as Suna Üstüner, the head of the Ministry of Interior’s Provincial Administrations General Directorate, Rize Governor Ihsan Selim Baydaş, Artvin Governor Turan Ergün, Rize Deputy Harun Mertoğlu, and Muhtarlar Konfederasyonu President Kadir Delibalta. A total of 250 headmen from Rize and all 81 provinces participated in the event.
Building Bridges Between Citizens and Government
During the program, Remzi Güzel, the President of Rize Muhtarlar Federasyonu, emphasized the importance of being elected as a village headman. He highlighted that being elected is not just about gaining a title but also about being the voice of the people, carrying their responsibilities, meeting their needs, and managing their expectations. Güzel stressed the significance of upholding the will of the people for democracy and social harmony, stating that serving as a bridge between the public and the state is an honor.
Embracing Rize into the Confederation
President Kadir Delibalta acknowledged the oversight of not including Rize in the confederation, despite his own roots in the city. He rectified the mistake by officially welcoming Rize into the confederation and expressed his gratitude for the city’s inclusion. Delibalta emphasized the symbolic significance of adding Rize, noting that it brought not just the city but also its essence, traditions, and richness into the confederation.
Adapting to a Changing World
Delibalta urged village headmen to adapt to the evolving global landscape, emphasizing the need for continuous self-improvement. He emphasized that village headmen must stay updated on changing issues, desires, and problems through workshops and symposiums. Delibalta highlighted the role of village headmen as public servants who are dedicated to serving the people and addressing the nation’s challenges.
The Role of Unions in Village Headmen’s Affairs
Delibalta addressed the topic of unions for village headmen, cautioning that unionizing could jeopardize the integrity of the village headman institution. He highlighted the unique leadership position of village headmen and stressed the importance of their role as community leaders elected by the people. Delibalta underscored the need for village headmen to embrace the responsibilities that come with their position and refrain from seeking union representation.
As village headmen continue to navigate their roles in a rapidly changing society, the event in Rize served as a platform for dialogue, reflection, and collaboration to uphold the values of democracy, community service, and leadership. The Confederation President’s warning shed light on the complexities and responsibilities that village headmen face in their daily duties.