
Shocking Incident: Afghan Individual Abuses Disabled Child on Live Broadcast

In a disturbing turn of events, a live television broadcast in Eskişehir, Turkey, exposed a harrowing case of abuse against a disabled child. Serkan Karakaya, a resident of Eskişehir, appeared on a TV program claiming that his wife, Ayşe Karakaya, had taken their children and left the house, seeking help. The broadcast took a shocking turn when Ayşe Karakaya and her 14-year-old daughter P.D., who was allegedly subjected to sexual abuse, were joined by Zahid Cabbar Gassami, an Afghan national.

Revealing the Truth

During the broadcast, Ayşe Karakaya confessed that she had taken her daughter P.D., who had been placed under state protection two years earlier due to sexual abuse, and handed her over to Zahid Cabbar Gassami, whom she admitted to marrying through a religious ceremony. The revelation sent shockwaves through the audience, shedding light on the horrors faced by the young girl.

Zahid Cabbar Gassami, on the other hand, claimed that the 14-year-old mentally disabled P.D. was his wife, alleging that he was given the child in exchange for “2 bracelets and 1 ring.” He brazenly stated, “They called her my son,” implying that the family had turned a blind eye to the abuse in exchange for money.

Legal Actions Taken

Following the disturbing revelations made during the live broadcast, the Eskişehir Public Prosecutor’s Office initiated an investigation into the matter. Acting swiftly, the Istanbul Public Prosecutor’s Office collaborated in the inquiry, leading to the arrest of Ayşe Karakaya, her husband Serkan Karakaya, and Zahid Cabbar Gassami by the police during the live broadcast.

After being brought to Eskişehir for further proceedings, the three suspects were interrogated and subsequently taken to court. Zahid Cabbar Gassami was charged with ‘Aggravated sexual abuse of a child, depriving a person who cannot defend themselves due to physical or mental incapacity of their freedom.’ He was remanded in custody pending trial.

Ayşe Karakaya faced charges of ‘Aiding and abetting aggravated sexual abuse of a child, aiding and abetting depriving a person who cannot defend themselves due to physical or mental incapacity of their freedom, inflicting suffering on a child or a descendant who cannot defend themselves, intentionally causing serious injury to a descendant who cannot defend themselves.’ She was also detained pending further legal proceedings.

Serkan Karakaya, who was identified as the stepfather of the mentally disabled P.D., was arrested for ‘Threatening with a weapon, intentionally causing harm to a woman who cannot defend herself.’ He was placed in custody awaiting trial. The investigation into the case continues as authorities work to bring justice to the victims.

The shocking incident has sparked outrage and raised concerns about the protection of vulnerable individuals, particularly children with disabilities. It serves as a stark reminder of the importance of safeguarding the rights and well-being of those who are unable to protect themselves.

As the legal process unfolds, it is essential for the authorities to ensure that the perpetrators are held accountable for their actions and that measures are implemented to prevent such heinous acts from recurring. The case highlights the need for greater awareness, education, and intervention to protect the most vulnerable members of society and uphold their fundamental rights.