
The tragic incident took place in the village of Yeniceşeyhler, which is connected to the Mudurnu district. According to the information obtained, 84-year-old Lütfi İkinci entered the bathroom to perform ablution before the evening prayer.

While performing ablution, İkinci, who locked the door in the bathroom, fell to the ground. The wife of the elderly man, who heard the sound of the fall coming from the bathroom, tried to open the door.

Unable to open the door, the woman asked for help from the neighbors. Upon the notification made by the neighbors to the 112 Emergency Call Center, health teams who arrived at the scene determined that Lütfi İkinci, who was lying motionless on the floor, had passed away after the door was opened. The relatives of İkinci, upon hearing the sad news, were overwhelmed with tears.

This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the importance of taking necessary precautions, especially for the elderly, while performing daily tasks. It is crucial to ensure that bathrooms are equipped with safety features such as non-slip mats, grab bars, and easy-to-reach emergency buttons to prevent accidents like this from happening.

In addition, regular check-ups and health assessments are essential for the elderly to detect any underlying health issues that may increase the risk of accidents. Family members and neighbors should also pay attention to any signs of difficulty or distress experienced by the elderly during daily activities and seek help promptly when needed.

It is a heartbreaking loss for the family and loved ones of Lütfi İkinci, and our thoughts are with them during this difficult time. May this tragic incident serve as a reminder for everyone to prioritize safety and well-being, especially when it comes to the elderly members of our community. Let us all come together to support and protect each other, ensuring that such accidents are prevented in the future.