
Erdoğan: Social Media Weaponized for Manipulation

During a recent speech at a ceremony, President Erdoğan highlighted the importance of the judiciary in ensuring justice and prosperity for the country and its people. He emphasized the need for effective education in the judicial system and the continuous efforts to enhance the skills and knowledge of judges and prosecutors. Erdoğan noted the significant increase in the number of legal professionals in Turkey over the past 22 years, indicating a threefold rise in the number of judges and prosecutors.

However, Erdoğan also expressed concerns about the misuse of social media as a tool for manipulation and operations. He raised alarm over the growing trend of misinformation and propaganda spread through online platforms, which he described as becoming a potent weapon for those seeking to undermine justice and sow discord in society. Erdoğan pointed out that the rise of “virtual thugs” on social media poses a threat not only to the integrity of the judicial system but also to social harmony and peace.

Strengthening Legal Education and Professionalism

Erdoğan highlighted the importance of combining knowledge, experience, and values in the training of legal professionals. He emphasized the role of experience in shaping the character and competencies of judges and prosecutors, underscoring the need for a harmonious blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Erdoğan commended the efforts of newly appointed judges and prosecutors, who recently began their training, and encouraged them to uphold the principles of justice and integrity in their work.

The President also announced various measures to enhance the quality and professionalism of legal practitioners in Turkey. These include extending the training period for judicial assistants, increasing the duration of academic education for aspiring judges and prosecutors, and introducing a requirement for judges to prepare a thesis. These initiatives aim to equip legal professionals with the necessary skills and expertise to handle complex legal matters and uphold the rule of law in the country.

Combatting Corruption and Ensuring Accountability

Erdoğan underscored the government’s commitment to combating corruption and ensuring accountability in the judiciary. He emphasized the need to eliminate any form of interference or influence that undermines the independence and impartiality of the legal system. Erdoğan condemned past instances of judicial manipulation and abuse of power, particularly during periods of political turmoil and instability in Turkey.

The President called for a collective effort to address the challenges posed by external threats and internal divisions within the judiciary. He stressed the importance of upholding the principles of justice and fairness in all legal proceedings and decisions, regardless of political pressures or personal interests. Erdoğan reaffirmed his government’s dedication to promoting transparency, accountability, and integrity in the judicial system to safeguard the rule of law and protect the rights of all citizens.

In conclusion, Erdoğan’s remarks shed light on the ongoing efforts to strengthen the legal system in Turkey and combat the misuse of social media for nefarious purposes. The President’s commitment to upholding the principles of justice, professionalism, and integrity in the judiciary reflects the government’s dedication to promoting a fair and transparent legal system that serves the interests of all citizens. By addressing the challenges posed by external manipulation and internal corruption, Turkey aims to build a stronger and more resilient judicial system that upholds the rule of law and protects the rights and freedoms of its people.