
Gastronomy Festival in Yoruk Village

In Erdemli, Mersin, the historical Yoruk village of Karayakup, established approximately 400 years ago, hosted its first-ever gastronomy festival. The village headman, Mustafa Yildiz, expressed that their goal was to introduce their village and the taste of the past to visitors. Professor Dr. Ahmet Atasoy, the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism at Mersin University, remarked, “We have truly seen that the conditions have come together here for the formation of a gastronomy village.”

The festival showcased the Yoruks presenting their village and offering traditional dishes that have been simmering in pots from the past to the present. The event also featured stands with locally grown fruits and vegetables, while the symbol of unity and togetherness, aşure, was distributed as a sweet treat.

Yildiz mentioned that this was the first gastronomy festival held in their historic village, emphasizing their aim to introduce their village and the culinary heritage it holds. He stated, “The first gastronomy festival we organized went very well. We have introduced all the dishes we make in our village to the wider Mersin community. As a gastronomy village, we have seen our shortcomings and mistakes. By fixing these errors, we will go down in history as a gastronomy village in Turkey.”

Professor Dr. Ahmet Atasoy underlined the potential for the formation of a gastronomy village, stating that the necessary conditions were present. He added that if such events were organized regularly every 15 days, it could provide the villagers with an additional source of income. He also highlighted the importance of infrastructure development, informing the villagers, marketing, and promotion to maximize the potential of catering to larger cities like Mersin, Konya, and Adana.

The gastronomy festival was attended by Erdemli District Governor Aydin Tetikoglu, Erdemli Mayor Mustafa Kara, Mersin University Rector Erol Yasar, and Major General Ercan Atasoy, along with numerous other guests.


Celebrating Culinary Traditions
Promoting Local Produce
Building a Gastronomy Village

Celebrating Culinary Traditions

The gastronomy festival in Yoruk Village was a celebration of culinary traditions that have been passed down through generations. The Yoruks showcased their rich heritage by preparing and serving dishes that have been a part of their culture for centuries. From hearty stews to delicate desserts, visitors had the opportunity to taste the authentic flavors of the village.

The festival not only highlighted the culinary skills of the Yoruks but also emphasized the importance of preserving and promoting traditional cooking methods. By sharing their recipes and cooking techniques with the public, the villagers hoped to create awareness about the value of their culinary heritage.

Promoting Local Produce

One of the key aspects of the gastronomy festival was the promotion of locally grown fruits and vegetables. Stalls were set up to display the bountiful produce of the village, showcasing the freshness and quality of the ingredients used in traditional Yoruk dishes.

By highlighting the importance of using locally sourced ingredients, the festival aimed to support the local economy and encourage sustainable farming practices. Visitors were able to purchase fresh produce directly from the farmers, fostering a stronger connection between the community and the food they consume.

Building a Gastronomy Village

The success of the gastronomy festival in Yoruk Village has laid the foundation for the development of a gastronomy village. With the support of local authorities, educational institutions, and the community, the village has the potential to become a hub for culinary tourism in the region.

By organizing regular events, implementing infrastructure improvements, and focusing on marketing and promotion, Yoruk Village can attract visitors from near and far. The creation of a gastronomy village not only preserves the culinary traditions of the Yoruks but also contributes to the economic growth and cultural enrichment of the community.

In conclusion, the gastronomy festival in Yoruk Village was a testament to the rich culinary heritage of the Yoruks and the potential for the village to become a gastronomic destination. By celebrating their traditions, promoting local produce, and working towards building a gastronomy village, the villagers have taken a significant step towards preserving their cultural identity and creating new opportunities for growth and development.