
Emine Erdoğan’s Gönül Elçileri Project to Be Showcased in New York

The Ministry of Family and Social Services will be hosting a side event for the second time in its history during the 79th UN General Assembly to be held in New York this year. This year’s high-level side event organized by the Ministry will focus on the theme of the ‘Gönül Elçileri’ project implemented under the auspices of Emine Erdoğan, aimed at promoting social welfare through fair distribution.

Turkey’s foster family service model will be presented to other countries’ first ladies, ministers, senior officials of the UN and international civil society organizations at the event. The event will be hosted by Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş and under the patronage of Emine Erdoğan at the UNICEF Headquarters, under the title ‘A Starfish Story: A Global Invitation to the Gönül Elçileri’, where a global call to action on foster families will also be made.

### Promoting Foster Family Models Globally

The ‘Gönül Elçileri’ project, spearheaded by Emine Erdoğan, aims to highlight the importance of foster families in providing care and support to children in need. The project promotes the idea of creating a nurturing environment for children who may not have a stable family structure, emphasizing the role of love and compassion in providing a secure foundation for their growth and development.

### Enhancing Social Welfare Through Fair Distribution

The Ministry of Family and Social Services has been actively working towards promoting social welfare through fair distribution of resources and opportunities. By showcasing the ‘Gönül Elçileri’ project on a global platform like the UN General Assembly, Turkey aims to share its experiences and best practices in implementing foster family services, while also learning from other countries’ approaches towards social welfare.

### Collaborating with International Stakeholders

With the participation of first ladies, ministers, and senior officials from various countries, the event in New York provides a unique opportunity for collaboration and knowledge-sharing on the topic of foster families. By engaging with international stakeholders, Turkey seeks to strengthen its partnerships and build a global network of support for foster family initiatives, fostering a sense of solidarity and unity in addressing the needs of vulnerable children worldwide.

In conclusion, the upcoming event in New York showcasing Emine Erdoğan’s ‘Gönül Elçileri’ project underscores Turkey’s commitment to promoting social welfare and fostering a culture of care and compassion for children in need. By sharing its experiences and achievements in implementing foster family services, Turkey aims to inspire other countries to adopt similar models and work towards creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for vulnerable children around the world.