
Turkish Family’s Restaurant in Canada Targeted in Arson Attack

A Turkish family-owned restaurant in Canada, Pizza Mozza, was targeted in two arson attacks on August 31st and September 2nd. Berat Saymadi, one of the owners, stated to the local media that the first arson attack did not cause significant damage to the restaurant, but the second one rendered the establishment unusable.

Investigation and Support

Despite the police launching an investigation into the arson attacks, no suspects or perpetrators have been identified yet. Saymadi expressed his frustration on social media, stating, “It has been like a nightmare for 10 days since the attack. We are still waiting for any results.”

The Turkish Consulate and Oka Municipality were thanked by Saymadi for their support. In his post, he mentioned, “Ninety percent of our business came from the meals served in the restaurant, and we had developed such good relationships with the customers that we often knew what they would order as soon as they walked in. They loved our food.”

Rebuilding Efforts

In order to cover the expenses of rebuilding the vandalized restaurant, the family has initiated a donation campaign. The community has shown an outpouring of support, with many people contributing to help the family get back on their feet.

The Turkish family’s restaurant, Pizza Mozza, was a beloved establishment in the community, known for its delicious Turkish cuisine and warm hospitality. The arson attacks have not only caused financial strain on the family but have also left a void in the hearts of the loyal customers who frequented the restaurant.

Impact on the Community

The arson attacks on Pizza Mozza have had a ripple effect on the local community, with many expressing shock and outrage over the senseless act of violence. Customers who used to dine at the restaurant regularly have been left saddened by the destruction of a place that held so many cherished memories.

The Turkish family has been overwhelmed by the support they have received from both the Turkish and Canadian communities. Messages of solidarity and offers of assistance have been pouring in, showing that in times of adversity, people can come together to support one another.

Moving Forward

As the investigation into the arson attacks continues, the Turkish family remains hopeful that justice will be served. They are determined to rebuild Pizza Mozza and continue serving their delicious Turkish dishes to the community that has embraced them with open arms.

In the face of adversity, the Turkish family has shown resilience and strength, refusing to let the actions of a few individuals deter them from pursuing their dreams. With the support of the community behind them, they are confident that they will overcome this setback and emerge stronger than ever.