
Bilal Erdoğan Connects with Youth at ‘Human Rights Education Camp’ in Kocaeli

Ilım Yayma Foundation Board of Trustees Chairman Necmeddin Bilal Erdoğan stated, “We do not need to be Westernized to develop. We do not need to resemble the West. We just need to work diligently, be determined, and have willpower. We can catch up with the West, even surpass them. Our religion, beliefs, culture, and identity are not obstacles to progress.”

The Human Rights Education Camp program organized by the Human Rights Directorate of the AK Party General Headquarters in Kocaeli, with the participation of ministers, journalists, and academics, is ongoing from September 9th to 17th.

Erdoğan met with young people at the Kocaeli Diriliş Camp Facilities, emphasizing Turkey’s progress in various fields. He illustrated the strides Turkey has made in education, economy, technology, and healthcare with examples.

Addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, earthquakes, and the effects of EYT (Early Retirement) on Turkey, Erdoğan highlighted the challenges faced by the country. He expressed the need to overcome an inflationary economic period amid consecutive elections, opposition provocations, and divisive politics. Erdoğan emphasized the importance of a period without elections as an opportunity to overcome inflation and further expand the country.

“Economic Measures Needed to Enhance Income Distribution Justice”

Erdoğan noted the confidence in economic management, decisions taken, and the direction being pursued. He stressed the importance of implementing economic measures to enhance income distribution justice, highlighting the need for taxation mechanisms to address income inequality. Erdoğan also pointed out the underlying goal of the measures taken in taxation policies, seeking to redistribute wealth from the wealthy to the less fortunate. He encouraged efforts to tackle income inequality and promote economic justice.

Reflecting on the achievements in the economic and technological spheres during AK Party administrations, Erdoğan emphasized the importance of achieving economic balance while also improving income distribution justice through taxation mechanisms. He underscored the strength of the social welfare state concept in addressing health and educational disparities, leading to equal opportunities and fostering educational access for all.

Encouraging the youth to be well-informed about global realities, Erdoğan cautioned against falling into the trap of xenophobia. He highlighted the significance of managing this issue correctly to prevent misunderstandings and emphasized the need to draw inspiration from Turkish intellectual giants like Mehmet Akif, Cemil Meriç, and Mahir İz.

“Embrace Diverse Perspectives in Reading”

Erdoğan stressed the importance of international student exchanges, stating that Turkey offers exceptional university opportunities compared to other countries. He emphasized the positive impact of foreign students studying in Turkey on bilateral relations, trade, and cultural exchanges, promoting mutual growth and understanding.

Responding to questions from young participants, Erdoğan shared excerpts from books and recommended diversifying reading materials. He urged the youth to balance Western and Eastern perspectives by pairing readings of figures like Adam Smith with Ibn Khaldun, or Karl Marx with Ibn Sina, to gain a comprehensive understanding of various ideologies and philosophies.

Erdoğan reiterated the importance of preserving Turkish identity, culture, and faith while advancing in technology and development. He praised the achievements of Turkish individuals in technological fields, emphasizing that identity and faith are not hindrances to progress but serve as sources of strength and inspiration.

Addressing Turkey’s journey before the AK Party era, Erdoğan recalled the struggles faced by religious and oppressed individuals in the 1990s. He highlighted the role of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in championing the rights of various segments of society and fighting for justice in the face of adversity.

In conclusion, Erdoğan urged the audience to break free from Western-centric narratives and embrace Turkey’s unique path to development. He emphasized the need for self-reliance, resilience, and cultural pride in shaping a prosperous future for the nation.

The event was also attended by AK Party Vice Chairman Hasan Basri Yalçın.