Tag: Human Rights


Philosopher Prosecutor Establishes Free Judiciary Association – Sözcü Newspaper

Philosopher Prosecutor Establishes Free Judiciary AssociationKurtuluş Tayanç Çalışır, also known as the "Philosopher Prosecutor" due to his numerous university degrees and extensive book publications, has announced the establishment of a new association called "Free...

Latest News: President Erdogan’s ‘Boycott’ Post for Gaza!

President Erdogan Expresses Solidarity with GazaPresident Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently took to social media to express his unwavering support for the people of Gaza in the wake of the ongoing crisis in the region....

Bilal Erdoğan Engages with Youth at ‘Human Rights Education Camp’ in Kocaeli

Bilal Erdoğan Connects with Youth at 'Human Rights Education Camp' in KocaeliIlım Yayma Foundation Board of Trustees Chairman Necmeddin Bilal Erdoğan stated, "We do not need to be Westernized to develop. We do not...

Iranian Women Protest Mandatory Veil Rule – Global News

Iranian Women Defying Mandatory Veil RuleThe protests against the mandatory veil rule in Iran, symbolized by the tragic death of Mahsa Amini, have entered their second year. Women in Tehran have been taking to...