
Kaymakam Hakan Alkan from Gediz district in Kütahya visited Private Contracted Soldier Barış Cansu at his home. Private Cansu was wounded while on duty in Northern Iraq. After his visit to the town, Kaymakam Alkan, along with Mayor Kerim Şahin, District Gendarmerie Commander İsmail Yalçın, and Director of Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation Abdullah Erkan, went to visit Private Cansu at his home to wish him well.

During the visit, Kaymakam Alkan expressed his well wishes to Barış and his family. He mentioned that the state is always by the side of our heroic soldiers. It is because of their sacrifices that we can live in peace and security. He also wished Barış a speedy recovery.

It is heartwarming to see such gestures of support and care towards our soldiers who risk their lives to protect our country. These visits not only boost the morale of the wounded soldiers but also show the appreciation and gratitude of the community towards their service. We should always remember and honor the dedication and bravery of our soldiers who selflessly serve our nation.

It is important to recognize the sacrifices made by our soldiers and their families. These visits also serve as a reminder of the challenges and dangers our soldiers face while carrying out their duties. The support and encouragement they receive from their superiors and the community play a significant role in their recovery and well-being.

We should continue to show our support and solidarity with our soldiers, especially those who have been wounded or are facing difficulties. These small acts of kindness can go a long way in uplifting their spirits and showing them that their service is valued and appreciated. Let us all come together to support and honor our brave soldiers who protect our country with courage and dedication.