
Peace Neck Crime Organization Faces Trial: Sentences Revealed for 305 Defendants

The trial of the notorious Peace Neck crime organization has shed light on the disturbing tactics used by the group to recruit members, particularly targeting young individuals between the ages of 15-20. According to the indictment, the organization exploited natural disasters as a pretext to send aid trucks to disaster areas funded by proceeds from criminal activities, manipulating people’s emotions for their own gain.

It was revealed in the indictment that the crime organization specifically recruited teenagers who were heavily influenced by computer games and internet-based series depicting street crime networks, using these platforms as a means to groom and indoctrinate impressionable youths. These young recruits were essentially groomed as tools for the organization, being utilized in various criminal activities such as the use of “kamikaze drones” within Turkey.

The indictment further outlined how the group started small but quickly expanded by acting as subcontractors and hitmen for other criminal organizations, eventually evolving into a large-scale armed crime syndicate. The leaders of the organization even went as far as commissioning songs and music videos to portray the group’s activities as normal within society, masking their true criminal nature.

Violent Attacks Linked to the Peace Neck Organization

The indictment detailed a series of violent attacks targeting businesses owned by the Polat family, allegedly carried out by members of the Peace Neck crime organization. In one instance, the Dilan Polat Beauty Center in Istanbul’s Ataşehir district was ambushed by two individuals on motorcycles wielding long-barreled firearms. Similarly, Engin Polat For Men establishment was also attacked by a masked individual armed with a handgun in October 2023.

These attacks were attributed to members of the Peace Neck organization, specifically those involved in the armed wing of the group. The indictment highlighted how the organization leveraged its intimidating power to instill fear and coercion, using violent tactics to further its criminal agenda.

Requested Sentences for the Defendants

The leader of the Peace Neck organization, Barış Boyun, faces a litany of charges including forming and leading a criminal organization, causing grievous bodily harm with intent, attempted murder, and various other serious offenses. The prosecution has requested a sentence of four life imprisonments and up to 349 years in prison for Boyun, reflecting the severity of the crimes committed.

Additionally, several rap artists implicated in the organization, including Doğan Tarda (known as “Heijan”), Şahan Terzioğlu (“CAC”), Samet Işık (“BIG”), and Muhammet Nedim Doğan (“Muti”), are also facing charges for their involvement in the criminal activities. The prosecution seeks sentences ranging from 19 to 33 years for these individuals, highlighting the breadth of involvement within the organization.

Furthermore, the remaining 300 defendants, comprising both leaders and members of the organization, are also facing significant prison terms ranging from 13 years to 349 years. The indictment has been accepted by the Istanbul 16th Heavy Penal Court for further evaluation, with the trial proceedings set to commence in the near future.

As the trial unfolds, the true extent of the Peace Neck crime organization’s reach and influence is expected to be fully exposed, shedding light on the dark underbelly of organized crime in Turkey. The prosecution’s efforts to bring the perpetrators to justice serve as a reminder of the ongoing battle against criminal enterprises that seek to destabilize and exploit society for their own gain.