
Turkish Minister Tekin on Religious Groups and Protocols

In a recent interview on Haber Turk’s “Special Interview” program, Minister of National Education Yusuf Tekin addressed various topics of interest. One of the questions posed to him was regarding the provision of psychosocial support to the children at Narin Guran’s school in Diyarbakir, who tragically lost her life at the age of 8. Tekin mentioned that a team of 12 experts was sent to Narin’s school on Monday, September 9th to assist with the rehabilitation process for her classmates, teachers, and other parents. He expressed condolences and emphasized the importance of moving forward for the children at the school to resume their educational activities.

Addressing the issue of registration fees in schools, Minister Tekin refuted claims of such fees being collected, stating that it would be unfair to cast doubt on teachers and administrators with such allegations. He emphasized that clear directives were issued before the schools opened, prohibiting the collection of registration or similar fees from parents. Tekin stressed that any complaints regarding this matter should be brought to the Ministry for appropriate action to be taken, emphasizing that no student would be denied registration for not paying fees.

Regarding the topic of interviews for teaching positions, Tekin highlighted the importance of conducting fair and transparent assessments. He mentioned revisions made to the interview process, emphasizing the need for impartiality and ethical conduct. Tekin also emphasized the use of audio and video recordings during interviews to ensure accountability and prevent any form of favoritism. He stated that even if a close friend were to participate in the selection process, he would take the necessary actions to uphold the integrity of the system.

Minister Tekin also addressed the issue of teacher appointments, mentioning changes made to the selection process following legal challenges. He clarified that appointments based solely on interview scores had been reduced from 100% to 50%, pending a decision from the Council of State. Tekin assured that once the Council of State’s ruling was received, further announcements would be made regarding the appointment procedures.

Under the framework of the “Turkey Century Maarif Model,” Minister Tekin discussed the revision of curricula to align with national values and principles. He emphasized the importance of instilling a sense of justice, compassion, and respect for moral and national values in students. Tekin also highlighted the inclusion of historical events and figures in the curriculum to foster a deeper understanding of Turkey’s heritage and principles.

In reference to the signing of protocols with religious groups, Tekin clarified that the Ministry of National Education could only enter into agreements with legally recognized entities. He stressed that any collaboration with civil society organizations was based on their contribution to education and societal development. Tekin noted that the Ministry had established nearly 5,000 protocols with a diverse range of civil society organizations, emphasizing the importance of maintaining transparency and accountability in these partnerships.

Regarding changes in the curriculum, Minister Tekin explained the rationale behind the adjustments made to reduce the academic burden on students. He highlighted the shift towards a more skills-based education system, focusing on student engagement and teacher empowerment. Tekin emphasized the importance of creating a curriculum that allowed students to access information in a more flexible and interactive manner, ensuring a balanced approach to learning.

In conclusion, Minister Tekin addressed the issue of Fr…