
The tragic case of Narin Güran, whose lifeless body was found 19 days after she went missing in the Tavşantepe neighborhood of Bağlar district in Diyarbakır, has gripped the nation. The investigation into her murder has taken a new turn as 22 suspects were detained on September 8 and then taken to court the following morning. Following the legal procedures, 14 suspects, including Narin’s father Arif Güran, were released, with 4 of them placed under judicial control.

Arif Güran, in an emotional interview with CNN Türk’s Special News Chief, Fulya Öztürk, on the Akıl Çemberi program, expressed his gratitude towards the support he has received from the Turkish people during this difficult time. He stated, “I am a grieving father. Turkey stood by my daughter. I am grateful to everyone. Our government has done everything necessary and continues to do so. Whoever is searching for answers, what I am saying is what I believe. The investigations are ongoing in a similar manner. Hopefully, the perpetrator will be identified soon. I am thankful that the gendarmerie has done everything needed for a grieving father. This is an investigation, and the state will pursue it to the end. We will see who is guilty and who is not. I know as much as you do. When they asked for my statement, I told them the same things I am saying now.”

“My daughter did not deserve this,” Arif Güran continued. “I always saw Narin differently among my children. When others asked for something, I would say no, but I could never refuse Narin. My daughter did not deserve this. No child deserves this. My Narin did not deserve this. Before Narin, there was Tülin. Some people do not have the strength to do anything. She was unwell. I am not an irresponsible father. I do everything necessary for my children. I will not let this go.”

### The Search for Justice Continues

Arif Güran also shed light on the presence of numerous unmarked graves in villages, stating, “There are hundreds of unmarked graves in villages. When they asked me, I was already lost in myself. There are not just gravestones for my daughter in that village but for many others. The village cemeteries are like this. They are not like those in big cities. I do not understand why my daughter’s case is being connected to this.”

As the investigation unfolds, the crucial question of who murdered Narin remains unanswered. Arif Güran reflected on his suspicions, saying, “I now think this way. If a person looking at me in the eye commits such a crime, I would expect it from them. If I knew what happened to Narin, I could not live. After the incident, Nevzat came to my house every evening, his hand did not even tremble, he sat next to me. Why did he not reveal my daughter’s whereabouts when he knew it but only did so after the state found out? I now believe that Nevzat Bahtiyar killed my daughter for 80,000 TL. If a person looks me in the eye, rolls a cigarette as if nothing happened, and consoles me, I would doubt them. If someone else had told me, I would have called the police, the gendarmerie, AFAD. The 80,000 incident, we sold the car Nevzat B. gave us to a gallery. He was also our friend. This happened two years ago. During this time, the car had an accident. The trial is still ongoing, you can verify the documents. During this time, the person who had the accident went to the gallery owner in Diyarbakır with an informal agreement, called me. They said let’s make an informal agreement, the trial will take a long time, I will drop the case. I will drop the case with the money you gave me. We made an informal agreement among ourselves, and we all signed it. We asked for some time, a few months, we are not available now. We thought we had closed this case, but apparently we did not.”

### Unraveling the Truth

Addressing the speculation surrounding his relationship with his brother, Salim Güran, Arif Güran emphasized, “A family lives normally as we do. Even though he is my older brother, Salim and I are the same age. We have not had any major issues, nor will we. All the accounts are with him. Did the investigation stop after Salim Güran was arrested? No, it continues. Was Nevzat involved or not? He was not. Even with the arrest of 9 people today, the investigation did not stop. When I look at it as a brother, I cannot believe it. There are documents, investigations when looked at from the state’s perspective.”

Arif Güran expressed his unwavering trust in his wife amidst the turmoil, stating, “When viewed from the state’s perspective, there are numerous documents. After saying the state, what more can I say? How can a mother harm her child? Is this the kind of world we live in? In which era do we exist? If a person does not trust their spouse, they cannot live. We have spent over 20 years together. If I did not trust her, I would have divorced.”

As the investigation into Narin Güran’s murder continues, the quest for justice intensifies. The search for truth and closure for the grieving family remains a top priority. The nation waits with bated breath for the perpetrators to be brought to justice and for Narin’s memory to be honored.